Wednesday, October 15, 2008


 My God. If anyone had the words "Joe" or "plumber" on their list of drinking terms for this third and final debate, well, you're shithoused.

I could practically see the SNL writing team salivating over this treasure trove of material.

Oh and my friend Shirtless and I have decided to mass market a line of Joe the Plumber memorabilia, with our initial product being the authentic Joe the Plumber t-shirt.

I was envisioning one of those denim work tees--sleeves optional--with the cursive Joe name patch on the breast pocket.

And then on the back?

THE PLUMBER stitched on in massive American flag letters.

Then, below that, we'd have a giant bald eagle carrying a tool belt in its beak.


Retail at $79.99. 

After all, freedom isn't free my friends. Freedom isn't free...

P.S. If anyone with photoshop abilities could make this happen, shout me a holler.

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