Thursday, September 11, 2008

Kanyeezie Arrested

Apparently Kanye West and his assistant were arrested at LAX today after initially flipping out on a photographer only to consequently turn there rage towards a cameraman capturing the melee. Of course said cameraman was working for none other than the bloodsucking bastards over at TMZ. There was some expensive equipment allegedly damaged and there's talk of some felony vandalism charges, but I think we all know nothing will come from this. Hopefully this doesn't interfere with that new album...

And on a side note, I wish someone would teach the TMZ minions a lesson of sorts. I can't help but think of that Seinfeld where Jerry goes and heckles Elaine's deranged co-worker at her office. If all the celebrities could just band together, buy hundreds of cameras, and hide in the backyards of unsuspecting TMZ employees, it'd make for quite a statement. And a lot of lost toes.

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