First, on a random note, here's some advice:
When you buy a Crockpot, and you live by yourself, and you're at the supermarket gathering materials for a pot roast recipe that allegedly serves 6-10 people, don't shrug that information off. Don't assume that you can, or will want, to eat enough pot roast to feed a moderately sized Mormon family. You can probably finish it off eventually, but it will take some serious creativity and a whole boat load of tenacity. Not to mention you will grow enormously tired of pot roast.
(If anyone wants some, drop me a line. I'll cram it in an envelope and express mail it to your home.)
Moving on.
This is the beginning of a new installment here at The Gettin' Place. You all know, I trust, or are at least vaguely familiar with how the "Would You Rather" game is played.
Well it's not really a game per say... it's more of an exercise. My friends and I used to spend countless hours posing serious social quandaries to one another... quandaries that could have only one of two possible outcomes. This invariably led to some stimulating and generally hilarious discussion. Now, if you're thinking these are your stereotypical drinking game booklet questions about eating bugs and hygiene and perverse sexual activity... for the most part, you're off base. For example, one of our time tested regulars was whether you would rather strangle your dog to death or stab a homeless man... I'm going to refrain from diving into specifics on that one.
Anyways, I feel this site could be a great forum for discussion on these matters. I heartily encourage all of you reading to contribute to the debate in the comments section at the end of this post. I also must stress--and this will be my final point before I get down to business--that you can take these situations as far outside the box as you see fit. I'm sure you'll figure it out and this will all go swimmingly...
So without further ado, here's our first question, posed to me by my friend Zilla, a true visionary of the "would you rather" art form:
Would you rather be able to fly or have a credit card that you would never have to pay the balance on?
The details on flight:
Your power of flight is very similar to that of a commercial airliner, speed-wise. You top out at 500 mph. You are not effected by temperature or altitude. You are free to fly whenever, and wherever, you please. You can even take ladies up into the air with you-- a la Superman or Aladdin minus the carpet--for romantic purposes. My immediate retort was in regard to the difficulty level of carrying a woman in the air for an extended period of time. (And I should pause to say, ladies, you can take men up there too if you see fit, but I have a strong feeling they may feel a bit effeminate being carried through the clouds and will, as a result, object your flight proposition. Of course, there can also be same sex air trysts... I don't judge.) I figured that without super strength, it may be a bit strenuous carrying someone around like that. Having to piggy back your baberham of choice would probably drop the romantic value of the excursion several notches. However, my friend and confidant assured me that when it comes to taking people into the sky, you are temporarily granted the ability to carry your passenger without difficulty. So you've got that going for you. Which is nice.
There are limitations of course. No breaking the sound barrier obviously. No Outer space.
Still, you can use your power however you please. For the good of the land, for personal benefit and monetary gain, for evil, whatever. The choice is yours. But mind you this:
"With great power, comes great responsibility" -Uncle Ben, Spiderman
The details on the card:
This is not just an infinite supply of money, let's get that straight right off the bat.
Well... it kinda is. Here's the deal:
You have a million dollar limit per month. And to quote Zilla, "you can't buy companies or islands or shit like that." This is not a black card ladies and gentlemen, there are rules. Under no circumstances are you allowed to make a cash withdrawl. Nothing but swiping. If you can't swipe it, you can't have it. Swipety swipe swipe, swipety-doo.
Much like the power of flight, you can use your plastic however you see fit.
However... I implore you... ALL OF YOU...
Beware of hangers-on! Succubi and various other bloodsucking parasites draining your lifeforce, always begging, pleading, tugging at your shirt for handouts... asking you to buy Jagerbombs, over, and over, and over again! Soon you'll be swiping flapjacks for everyone at brunch! Annoying the shit out of every cab driver who makes the unfortunate mistake of scooping you and your entourage from the local watering hole! What's that? No, sorry Mr. cab driver. I don't have any cash.
Plus, you'll have to buy nachos at the ballpark for entire rows of spectators. A virtually endless trough of nachos!
Think about THAT!
So there. Your possibilities have been placed before you. Now you must choose your destiny. What path would I choose? After some serious deliberation, I eventually changed my mind and decided to opt for the power of flight. My reasoning? I'm sure you could raise plenty of scratch, one way or another, with your soaring ability. Plus, you get to fly. Which is really very fun I think. But enough about me. How do YOU feel?
Make yourself heard.
That is all.
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I would rather have the pot roast
This is the most fucking absurd would you rather I have ever heard...
I think I am going to take the card, and let me tell you why...
The ability to fly will surely get old, though it may take a long, long time... You can pay for plane tickets to remote regions of the world and take out cash of your own to spend while you're out there.
I would get this card, and continue life as usual. the only difference being that any time i swiped a damn card I wouldn't be paying for anything. AND! I wouldn't tell anyone about it (except my mama cuz i'd be her diamonds and groceries).
but it's interesting because with a card like this, you wouldn't be able to put a down payment on a house or anything like that, so, with a card like this, you would still have to have a job or a source of income because you are inevitably going to need money orders or cashiers checks or cash or whatever. But you will save so much money just swiping the magic card whenever you can that you will surely have a ton of a surplus cash.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
with flight, the only way you are going to make any money is if you A) steal (moral dillema) or b) work a real job like the rest of us (time spent not flying around & a marginal net worth unless you bust your balls or hit the lotto). Also, you will still age like the rest of us, think about flight when you're 60? that's lame.... I'd rather have a dope mansion on the beach. What's going to get you a lady faster? swiping your card at a 500 dollar meal and taking her back to your exotic beach cabana or carrying her on your back at a whopping 500 mph (it's going to be windy as fuck) for 15 hours to tibet...? Pfffffff please. this is becoming more and more of a no brainer to me by the second.
Some good points, especially aging. I don't know how much flying you're gonna want to do when your senile. That's just dangerous. Still, let's put away the jump to conclusions mat.
You're honestly telling me the only way to earn money with the power of flight is to steal? Please, let's be reasonable. You're the only man on Earth WHO CAN FLY! I think we can expect some sponsorship deals, no? You'd be bathing in pre-bong Phelps money. I'm sure you could earn a solid base salary doing a bit of crime fighting for the state as well. Hell, you could even do birthday parties, though I find that a bit degrading. Like I told Zilla: "I don't wanna be a flight whore."
Ok but let's not forget we're just talking about flight. I wouldn't even give that super hero status. how are you going to flight crime? They got helicopters that fly faster than 500 mph. Also, with that kind of publicity, we're talking about a total change and a permanent change of lifestyle. ALSO, what if the government came after (and they probably would get you) and turned you into a science experiment for the sake of national security? What are you going to do? fly away at 500 mph? An f18 would rock your face.
Well you might not be a real good super hero, but I think you could do some good giving bankrobbers a run for their money. Plus, you could save a whole shit-ton of kittens. With a little practice I really think you could fight some crime. True you would become quite the celebrity, but no worse than any of these hollywood characters, and THEY can't fly away. You can.
The science experiment is a good point. Let's hope the U.S. government aren't total dicks about that stuff like they are in E.T. and such. The one advantage you have over aircraft like jets and helicopters is that you can fly very low to the ground in residential areas, plus you don't have to wait for your engines and electronics to be on point. You can just fly at the drop of a hat.
I would have to take the card, in complete agreement with Steve... Also, cabs do take credit cards in New York and it is only a matter of time till the rest of the world sees the potential in that.
Thank you, a reasonable man/woman has joined the conversation...
Card (easy decision) - Both of these options, however, cannot compare to the Mist women. Hands down winner of every would you rather.
Not being able to get cash is a serious problem for the places that I would travel to with my $12 million a year. Also, whores dont take credit. And neither do drug dealers, street vendors, or foreign watering holes.
Could you take luggage with you in your flightscapades? If so, give me flight, and i'll hustle scratch one way or another.
God bless america.
Exactly Ross. How do you intend to buy drugs Steve? And Chris, think of the whores. The whores!
You can definitely take luggage, as long as it is no greater in size or weight than an average human being.
I didn't think about the whores
I'd have the card and fuck the girl who's flying me around the world and see if I could set up an account with the Colombian cartel to get cash.We'd be naked from fucking so we wouldn't show up on any radar screen (unless we had any metal fillings,piercings) and I think I could carry an ounce or two.The only problem would be showing up at the connect's place with a flaccid cock and my cum dripping out of her.It would make for some legendary conversation though.
Dear God.
Either I know this person or my target audience has officially hit lowest common denominator.
So many things wrong.
How many times do you whack off per day?
It can't be less than seven.
I'm not sure how you steered this convo toward flaccid cock drippings, but congrats my friend, you win.
Favorite bit of logic:
"We'd be naked from fucking so we wouldn't show up on any radar screens."
This is crucial military knowledge that must be shared with the Western world.
well, i'm awfully late with my weigh in, but i would take the card, and go on a mad swiping binge for automobiles or whatever the fuck and then turn it around and sell it all for cash money, which i could put in a bank account, buy cheese or crack with, or of course legions of scantily clad hookers and wolverines. i'd be flipping used vehicles like vin diesel. so this solves the drug/whore/wolverine and everything else problem...from the hambizzle
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